English ex.5

1. Once upon a time there lived a little girl.

2. She had very pretty golden hair.

3. She lived with her grendparent near the forest.

4. She picked some pretty flowers.

5. Hilda liked the smallest chair best.

6. She ate all the soup from the smallest bowl.

7. She did not want to sleep in the biggest bed.

8. Hilda was very tired and soon fell asleep

English ex.3

1.Once upon a time there lived a little  girl.

2.She lived with her grandparents near the forest.

3.  One day she went to the forest to pick flowers.

4.  She walked on and on and at last she saw a house .

5.  She liked the smallest  chair.

6.  She ate the soup from the smallest bowl

7.  Hilda did not like the biggest bed.

8. It was the house of three bears.